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Thursday, September 19, 2024

What are the Main Causes of War?

By Rodaportal


There are many reasons why wars occur, but the most common one is to achieve an objective through the use of force. Wars can also occur within a country’s borders, such as civil or revolutionary conflicts.

War is a type of human conflict that has existed for thousands of years. However, it is not always easy to determine what starts a war. Conflicts and wars rarely have a single, obvious cause. They often have many reasons that are linked. The causes of wars can be complex, and many theories have been proposed over the years. Nonetheless, conflicts over resources and ideology are widely known to be the root causes of most wars worldwide.

In this article, I will provide a general overview of the main reasons for war. Although the list is not exhaustive, it aims to give the most common reasons for conflicts.

Territorial Gain

A country may seek to acquire more land for various reasons, such as living space, agriculture, or creating a buffer zone between two opponents. Proxy wars are often related to buffer zones, which are hostilities fought indirectly in a third country between opposing forces. During the Cold War, proxy conflicts were widespread.

Economic Gain

Most wars are driven by economic motivations, even if the proclaimed goal of the war is portrayed as something more pure. Conflicts are often sparked by a country’s desire to seize control of another’s resources. In pre-industrial times, a fighting country might seek precious metals like gold and silver or animals like cattle and horses.

In modern times, battles are often fought over commodities such as oil, minerals, or materials used in industry. Some scholars worry that as the world’s population grows and resources become scarcer, battles over necessities such as water and food will become more common.


Religious conflicts often have deep roots and can lie dormant for decades, only to re-emerge later. Religious wars can also be tied to other reasons for conflict, such as nationalism or revenge for a perceived historical slight. While different religions attacking each other can cause a war, different sects within a religion, such as Protestant and Catholic or Sunni and Shiite, can also be a cause.


Seeking to punish, rectify a grievance, or retaliate for a perceived affront is often a factor in the conduct of war. Revenge is also linked to nationalism, as citizens in a wronged country are compelled to fight back. Unfortunately, this can spark off an infinite series of retaliatory battles that are impossible to stop. Historically, many European battles have had the elements of revenge.


Nationalism often involves seeking to demonstrate a country’s superiority over another through violent domination, which is often manifested as an invasion. Although other reasons for conflict may exist, nationalism is almost always present. Most wars are not fought for security or material gain, but rather to represent a nation’s soul. Imperialism, which is related to nationalism, is based on the idea that conquering other countries is glorious and provides prestige and esteem to the conqueror.

Racism is also linked to nationalism, as seen in Hitler’s Germany. For instance, Hitler went to war with Russia mainly because Russians and eastern Europeans, in general, were viewed as Slavs, or a race that the Nazis considered inferior.

Civil wars occur when intense internal conflict arises within a country. Disagreements can stem from issues such as who should rule, how the country should be governed, or the rights of the people. Internal divisions can escalate into a violent conflict between opposing factions.

Additionally, separatist groups seeking to form their own independent country or states attempting to secede from a larger union can also trigger civil wars.

In today’s world, military aggression is often questioned. Governments may argue that they are fighting in a purely defensive capacity against an aggressor or potential aggressor, making their conflict “fair.” These defensive conflicts can be particularly contentious when conducted proactively, as proponents argue that it is necessary to attack before being attacked.


In conclusion, understanding the complex web of reasons behind wars is crucial in promoting peace and finding ways to prevent conflicts. The causes of wars are multifaceted, often intertwined, and rooted in factors such as territorial gain, economic interests, religious differences, revenge, nationalism, and internal strife.

To delve deeper into this topic, I invite you to watch my YouTube video titled “What are the Main Causes of War?” Here is the link: https://youtu.be/AGuT4fy_j6U

In the video, I provide a comprehensive overview of the primary reasons for war, shedding light on the historical context and contemporary relevance of these factors.

By gaining insights into the diverse motivations behind conflicts, we can strive towards fostering diplomacy, understanding, and global cooperation. It is essential to engage in open conversations, educate ourselves, and work collectively toward a world where differences are resolved through dialogue rather than violence. 

Remember to watch the video for a more in-depth exploration of this critical subject. Let us advocate for a world where the pursuit of peace and cooperation prevails over the devastating consequences of war.


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