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New York
Thursday, September 19, 2024


Strengthening Germany’s Security: A Comprehensive Approach to Migration and Border Control

https://www.youtube.com/embed/g9otj27zUtU In response, to threats Germany is taking steps to strengthen its security and tackle the issues related to migration. This move follows a notable...



The Beauty and Diversity of Our Planet: A Call to Preserve and Protect

https://youtu.be/NirACIcMur0 ___ By Rodaportal INTRODUCTION Behold our planet Earth, a wonderfully diverse and extraordinary place beyond comparison. From the verdant Amazonian rainforests to the icy Arctic tundras, our...


The Profound Influence of Fashion on Society

https://youtu.be/-oL60bSwOA4 ___ By Rodaportal Fashion, often dismissed as a frivolous aspect of our lives, is far from unimportant. Instead, it plays a crucial role in shaping societal...

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Strengthening Germany’s Security: A Comprehensive Approach to Migration and Border Control

https://www.youtube.com/embed/g9otj27zUtU In response, to threats Germany is taking steps to strengthen its security and tackle the issues related to migration. This move follows a notable...

Europe at a Crossroads ORBAN, WILDERS and the Fight for COMPETITIVENESS and MIGRATION

https://youtu.be/vLCyHJFINCI The Future of Europe: Challenges and Opportunities The European Union (EU) is at a point in time grappling with a range of difficulties that could...

Hungary’s Bold Move: MIGRANTS to be Bused to BRUSSELS if Forced to Admit Asylum Seekers

https://youtu.be/C2s7RxotHuI INTRODUCTION Hungary has faced substantial challenges regarding migration since the crisis began in 2015. As illegal border crossings surged, Hungarian authorities committed significant resources to...

BRITISH VALUES Under Siege: Population Growth and Cultural Erosion

https://youtu.be/uZg129NKSlU INTRODUCTION In recent years, the United Kingdom has faced significant challenges related to population growth and cultural shifts, which have ignited debates on the preservation...

The Unfolding Crisis: Immigration, Extremism, and the Defense of Western Values

https://youtu.be/Hq1OAxbyFxQ In recent years, the issue of mass immigration has become a hot-button topic across the Western world. From Europe to North America, the influx...


Capitalism to Techno-Feudalism: The Evolution of Economic Systems

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0SY-MQMSpw INTRODUCTION In the wake of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008, the world witnessed a seismic shift in economic paradigms, paving the way for...

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